The Demigod Body

While Zhang Ruochen and the others were sizing up Xuemo, he was doing the same to them. After all, they were following the Blood Empress and had entered a place that was considered forbidden grounds by the Blood Empress. There must be something special about them. 

Suddenly, Xuemo locked his eyes onto Zhang Ruochen and said with a snigger, "Boy, I remember you. I really need to thank you. Back then, on the first level of the Endless Abyss, your killing of that Immortal Vampire whelp allowed me to wake up."

"In just a few short years, you actually cultivated from a Demi saint all the way to a Nine-Step Saint King. You sure are good, boy. Blood Empress, is he your disciple?"

Seeing that Xuemo recognized him, Zhang Ruochen was not surprised, and he could not help but smile lightly. "I never thought the skeleton that flew out of King Naxianlan was actually the famous Xuemo of yore."