The Complete Zangshan Demonic Mirror

As soon as Zhang Ruochen and Mu Lingxi left the palace, the Blood Empress appeared on a tall pavilion, watching as they departed into the distance. 

Chi Linyuan's figure appeared behind her as he whispered, "Master, are you going to let them go just like that?"

"What else then? If I force them to stay, Chen'er's resistance toward me will probably increase. With things as they are now, this is already good. At least Lanyou has remained here, so I believe Chen'er will come back. I only hope the wait this time won't be too long." The Blood Empress sighed with a strong look of helplessness in her eyes. 

If she could, she would of course wanted Zhang Ruochen to stay in the second level for a while longer, and then listen to her and fuse with the body of his past life. 

However, right now, that would obviously not happen. These things had to be done gradually, and rushing it will only be counterproductive.