
The Demonic Voracious Wolf Portrait was revived. It was fierce and mighty, its evil aura spreading for thousands of miles, sending all the living beings in this area shivering in fear.

And Zhang Ruochen, who was only a few hundred miles away from Mosheng, felt it the most intense, as if that terrifying viciousness wanted to rip his body apart. 

"He could cause such a terrifying change in the atmosphere of heaven and earth, and dim the sun and moon by just spurring a single Demonstone Engraving. How much more terrifying it will be if he uses the thirty-six Demonstone Engravings in combination." Zhang Ruochen thought to himself.

He now believed even more about what Blackie told him. Perhaps the joining of thirty-six Demonstone Engravings would make an invincible artifact. It was impossible to achieve such a terrifying level of power with just one technique.