
Zhang Ruochen's eyes were fixated on the silvery figure, many thoughts coming to mind and he was in disbelief.

Who is Xue Lingxian? The most senior disciple of the Blood God, the first shenzi of the Sect of the Blood God, a distinguished figure in ancient times, and the most talented person who almost attained godship.

It was the rules and methods established by Xue Lingxuan that enabled the Sect of the Blood God to dominate the Blackdemon Realm for tens of thousands of years.

Zhang Ruochen had a deep impression of Xue Lingxian, who was his opponent during the selection of shenzi back then.

Of course, it was only Xue Lingxian's incorporeal body in his youth, and his strength was far inferior to the actual body. So Zhang Ruochen could defeat him.

And Xue Lingxian was apparently no longer the incorporeal body back then. He now exuded a tsunami of aura, so powerful that most people in the Sect of the Blood God could not breathe.