Jinlong Seizes the Armor

Seeing the Four Heavenly Kings retreating, Ghost Lord Yulin, Skeleton King Jinlie and Corpse King Yuanjue all heaved a sigh of relief as a look of excitement appeared in their eyes. 

Having the opportunity to fight against the Four Heavenly Kings was something countless Infernal Court powerhouses all desired, but it was mostly a daydream. 

After all, the Four Heavenly Kings were really powerful, and if they were to run into them, their end will probably be rather miserable. 

The trio led by Ghost Kings Yulin considered their long-held ambition to be fulfilled. Even though all of them have suffered serious injuries, and had lost many men, to wound the Four Heavenly Kings, such a price was without a doubt totally worth it. 

When word was sent back to the Infernal Court, it will definitely cause great fanfare, and their reputation will undoubtedly increase greatly as their ranking among the elites of the ten clans will also increase accordingly.