Total Annihilation

Shadows lunged out from the dimensional cracks and boarded the black battleship in a flash. These people were from the Nether Clan and Bone Clan, their aura extremely powerful.


The black battleship departed at the sound of a hoarse voice. It pierced through the water, heading out to the Yin Yang Sea.

Being able to sail on the Yin-Yang Sea meant that this black battleship was unusual. There were Supreme-Saint-class inscriptions engraved on it, making it resistant to the erosion of the icy-cold forces. 

The Yin Yang Sea of today had become extremely dangerous to even top Saint-King cultivators. It would undoubtedly be much safer with the help of foreign objects.

The fog in the Ying Yang Sea was thick. It affected not only visibility but also spiritual power.

The black battleship disappeared into the thick fog in the blink of an eye.