
With the forbidden formation collapsing, a devastating divine power was unleashed, which almost destroyed the entire Yin Yang Sea. 

Even a Supreme Saint-level powerhouse would have been annihilated in an instant if they were to resist the force head-on. 


Thousands of miles away, many powerhouses of the four great ancient civilizations and Skydragon Realm could not help but gasp. 

No one had thought that after the forbidden formation was destroyed that it would unleash such terrifying power. Even Ao Xukong and the Jinyang Twin Kings would inevitably tremble before such power. 

"Thankfully, Brother Ao had the foresight, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous."

A look of fear appeared in the eyes of the Supreme Master. 

Although they still had some trump cards up their sleeves, but should they receive such a terrifying blow at close range, massive casualties would have been inevitable.