Darkness Descending

The man holding the silver mace was tall and burly. He was nearly 2.5 meters tall and had dark skin. He stood on the ground like an iron tower, blocking Zhang Ruochen's path.

Boundless silver Blood Qi emanated from this man's body. Filled with a wild aura, it condensed into the shape of a fierce tiger behind him. His blood-red eyes contained terrifying killing intent. It seemed like he would break free from the void at any moment.

Had it been anyone else, they would have collapsed to the ground in front of this burly man.

A cold light flashed in Zhang Ruochen's eyes, "You didn't stop them when they attacked me. Now, you want me to let them go. Am I that easy to bully?"

As he spoke, Zhang Ruochen's body shook. Strong five-colored saint light burst out from his body and created a hazy realm behind him. It was filled with a large amount of chaotic energy.