I Really Want to Take Your life

The leaders of the many Macroworlds in Western Universe gathered in the ninth building of Syzygy Mansion. They were all top elites below Supreme Sainthood and were very famous throughout Celestial Court and Infernal Court.


Kunlun was a member of Western Universe. Hence, most foreign cultivators who were here to support Kunlun were from various Macroworlds in Western Universe.


Of course, some Macroworlds of the other three universes—including Wanxu Realm, Celestial Dragon Realm, and Qianrui Realm—also participated in this meeting. They were all powerful Macroworlds.


Almost half of the Macroworld leaders had arrived at Syzygy Mansion now. The rest were still on their way.


At this moment, the attention of all Macroworld leaders in the mansion was drawn to the situation at the Spiritual Lake.


"Kunlun cultivators are really bold. How dare they provoke Heavenly Realm at such time?"