Lotus of Transcendence

All the deities present understood that the reason Wargod Bian Zhuang's avatar could defeat Jiatianxia. Not only did he have his weapon—Heavenly Mugwort Bell, but he also had the advantage of location—Celestial Court.


The entire Celestial Court was surrounded by 30,000-mile wide Celestial River. Therefore, as long as Wargod Bian Zhuang was in Celestial Court, he could borrow the power of Celestial River and convert it into his own power.

It might look like just an avatar, but in fact, it also held the power of Celestial River.


Jiatianxia was not a weakling but a ruler of a Fane. If the fight had occurred in any other place in the universe, it would have been impossible for Wargod Bian Zhuang's avatar to defeat him.


His biggest mistake was underestimating the power of Celestial River and Wargod Bian Zhuang.