Unbreakable Backbone of Kunlun

"All cultivators retreat to the periphery. With your cultivation, fighting Zhang Ruochen alone is no different from suicide. Immediately form an integrated attack formation with the two High-Saint Array Masters. Use group defense and ladder formation attack."


Archangel Michael was brilliant. Even though Zhang Ruochen had killed the cultivators of Heavenly Realm faction, he could remain calm.


"Where are the twelve Angels of Vengeance? Turn into the Light of Judgment immediately and help me slash Zhang Ruochen."


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!


The wind breaking sound was heard.


The twelve Angels of Vengeance from the Fane of Light turned into twelve rays of bright Saint Light and appeared beside Archangel Michael.


A battle formation was formed. They turned into twelve halos and hung above Archangel Michael's head, sprinkling holy light.

