Public Enemy of Infernal Court

The Infernal Court cultivators who surrounded the Arena of Life and Death were all dumbfounded. They were so shocked that their eyeballs almost popped out. They thought that they were hallucinating.


The warlord of the Mara Family, the leader of Dhisan, was crushed to the ground by a Neverwither Supreme Saint. He was knocked out by a gourd.


"No, this can't be true. How could Warlord Mara lose?"


"Who is he? Even Yan Wusheng, who is also a Neverwither Supreme Saint, would find it difficult to defeat Warlord Mara."


A woman wearing a golden mask and colourful clothes came to the Arena of Life and Death under the escort of two teams of Saint-level guards. She smiled as she said, "What Yan Wusheng can't do, doesn't mean Zhang Ruochen can't. After all, he once defeated Yan Wusheng at the same level."