The Realm of Star Ocean

"Do you know why all the forces in Infernal Court place so much importance on the Celestial-hunting Festival? To gain something from the festival, they even summoned the elites on the battlefield?" Luo Sha asked with a smile.


Zhang Ruochen did think that the importance of the Celestial-hunting Festival was extraordinary. Even the gods had come out to make arrangements.


This festival seemed to be more important than a Battle of Merits.


However, although the Ampliofruit and Altofruit in the banquet were rare, they were limited in number and did not have much significance.


Even if one was the first place among the ten clans and obtained thirty percent of the Canons of Destiny and the Destiny Tokens, it was still far from reaching the level of the strategic significance of a clan.


Zhang Ruochen had some guesses, but he had not personally asked Supreme Saint Qingsheng and Blood Empress to confirm his guess.