Friends and Foes

"Why are you still pretending to be pure and innocent? It turns out that you are not even a virgin."

"Fairy Shadowless is one of the most beautiful female creatures in Celestial Court. Even if she lost her virginity to Supreme Saint Ruochen, she is still worth it."


Hearing all kinds of scurrilous, sarcastic, and teasing remarks, Lian Xi felt so humiliated that her mind almost collapsed. She wanted nothing more than to self-detonate her Sainthood Source and perish together with this group of Immortal Vampire Supreme Saints.

However, Supreme Saint Xueqi, Lord Canghu, and Lord Bei were all in Hundred-Shackle Realm. While they used the Blood Qi to form chains to bind her, they also suppressed the circulation of the Saint Qi in her body and restrained her spiritual power.

Her desire to die was a wild wish.