Contesting for Seats

The ten seats of honor were on the left and right sides of the major stream of Destiny's Creek.

There were ten major tributaries downstream of the major stream. Each major tributary was a hundred feet wide, and there were ten prime seats on the left and right sides. In total, there were 100 seats.

Zhang Ruochen did not fight for the ten seats of honor, but he would not let go of the prime seats.

There were 300 to 400 cultivators fighting for the 100 prime seats. Their cultivation strength was very powerful. They had broken more than ninety shackles or had reached the Great Perfection of Hundred-Shackle Realm.

The contest for the prime seats was even more intense than the competition for the seats of honor.

Beside each chair sat several top Hundred-Shackle Realm Supreme Saints who were analyzing the restrictive inscriptions surrounding the jade stones used as the seats.