Spatial Wormhole Mirror

'This arrow will definitely pierce through the Communication Talisman. I will definitely win!' Lord Sinluo thought.


Just as Lord Sinluo thought he was winning, the Divine Tree Arrow was hit by white light and flew out diagonally.




A moment later, there was a loud collision sound.


Lord Sinluo's face changed again and again. He stared at Zhang Ruochen coldly and said, "Are you shooting the talisman or the arrow?"


"It doesn't matter if you're shooting a talisman or an arrow. You didn't hit it, and I didn't hit it either. So, we're even now." Zhang Ruochen said calmly as he summoned the Whitesun Arrow and held it in his hand again.


No matter what, Zhang Ruochen was able to hit Lord Sinluo's arrow enough to prove that he had high attainment in Archery. He mustn't be underestimated.


"A tie? That's impossible."