The Food from The Fanes

It was a high price to exchange a microworld of woodlands for five Ampliofruits, but Zhang Ruochen thought it was worth it.

He took the five Ampliofruits in front of him and put them on the jade table with the previous five. He smiled with satisfaction.

Looking at the ten shining Saint fruits, all the cultivators at the feast had eyes burning with greed, envy, and jealousy.

'If only they were mine.' Many cultivators had this thought in their minds.

Ten Ampliofruits represented one billion rules and 30,000 years of life.

Some thought that Zhang Ruochen had won too easily. It was only two rounds, and he had the most Ampliofruits among attendees in the Celestial-Hunting Festival.

However, more cultivators recognized Zhang Ruochen from these two battles and regarded him as a strong opponent of the Celestial-Hunting battlefield.

It could be said that Zhang Ruochen was lucky and opportunistic to win against Lord Sinluo.