The Twelve Celestial Captives

The Battlefield of Celestial-Hunting was vast and boundless. The six-colored star fog was brilliantly distributed, causing people to daydream endlessly.




An angel elder stood on a 200-meter-long space rock in the thick red star fog. His eyes were flowing with saint light as he looked into the distance.


He was quite old. His face was riddled with wrinkles, and his body was hunched. His back's feathered wings were frayed. He had clearly suffered greatly in the Infernal Court.


This was the only way back to the Immortal Vampires' home planet.


From afar, a golden light spot appeared in the starry sky.


It was a person.


That was Zhang Ruochen. His entire body radiated golden light. He took a step into the void. He could jump a long distance with each step he took. He had failed to locate Lord Xia Yu and was about to return to the home planet of the Immortal Vampires.