Mighty Aura

The more Yue Tinghai took the Spiritual Power attack, the intense the sharp pain he felt in his brain. All of a sudden, he was worn out, and his body trembled. He couldn't help but bend his knees downward.


Yue Tinghai let out an indignant roar.

"Zhang Ruochen, as a Supreme Saint, I must not tolerate insult... from now on... I will fight you to death!"

The space around Yue Tinghai shook violently.

Under the suppression of the Dimensional force, Yue Tinghai could not hold on any longer. He knelt on the ground hard, causing the earth to sink.

With Yue Tinghai's body as the center, the space within a five-mile radius was frozen.

The entire world fell into silence.


Lady Wind's beautiful figure flew onto the city wall. Shock appeared in her almond-shaped eyes. "You should not do this."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Ruochen asked.