The Ultimate Battle

'The Power of Oblivion doesn't seem to be invincible. Under the interference of Dimension, Origin, Slaughter, Chaos... all kinds of powers, it's faintly suppressed!' Zhang Ruochen thought.


Zhang Ruochen observed and comprehended carefully. He knew too little about Oblivion.


Every time, Que's body turned into oblivion. Zhang Ruochen's vision and spiritual power couldn't sense his existence. However, in an instant, Yan Wushen and Lan Ying released a domain that could force him out again.


Yan Wushen hasn't cultivated the Path of Destiny, but he has cultivated the Light of Origin. He's becoming more and more difficult to deal with. This person is my enemy for life.' Zhang Ruochen.


No one had ever put so much pressure on Zhang Ruochen.


No one had ever received such a high evaluation from Zhang Ruochen.