Lan Ying's Downfall

"If you want to kill me, you will have to pay a heavy price," said Lan Ying.


Lan Ying's face turned ferocious, and silver demonic marks appeared on his face.


The Power of Oblivion continuously devoured the chaotic energy and Divine Qi in his body, making him weaker and weaker. If he continued to sit and wait for death, he would definitely be worn to death.


Instead of doing that, he might as well fight back with his life.


"Chaos beginning, birthing Asura."


The Sword of Asura flew out of his hand and floated above Lan Ying's head, emitting an astonishing blood light.


The sword light turned into sword Qi, forming a circular sword domain.


In the sword domain, Lan Ying's missing arm grew back. Soon after, his body became chaotic, like a human-shaped nine-colored universe.