
Pan Ruo's cultivation in the Path of Destiny was profound. With the Door of Trueself, she could infer the secrets of all the immortal vampires. She could even track Zhang Ruochen.

Hence, Zhang Ruochen would want to capture her.


Zhang Ruochen spread his ten wings and flew through the branches.

The Deathkin Supreme Saints had long been left behind.

Yan Wushen chased after Zhang Ruochen for a while, but he was also left far behind.

Only Que cast a Flowing light Technique. He was faster than Zhang Ruochen. He chased after him and attacked him with Kagemaru from time to time.

Zhang Ruochen didn't dare to stay. He was afraid that he would be surrounded by enemies.

If it was only a few immortal and Hundred-Shackle Supreme Saints surrounding him, Zhang Ruochen wouldn't be afraid. But if there were powerful figures like Yan Wushen and Que among the Neverwilt and Hundred-Shackle Supreme Saints, he would be in big trouble.