Win or Lose

"550,000 Godstones."

"560,000 Godstones."

The former was the bet placed by the black-veiled cultivator.

Noqoilpi placed the latter. He would always place his bet of ten thousand Godstones higher than his opponent.

The Wheel of the Nether Sun, owned by Zhang Ruochen, could fetch a sky-high price of three hundred thousand Godstones because it could be refined into a Supreme Artifact. Other top-tier Regal Artifacts could not fetch such a high price.

It could be said that the bet between the Seven-Armed Elder and the black-veiled cultivator was the greatest gambling match in the entire mundane realm. It was destined to shake Heaven and Hell and become a legend.

Cang Jie was scared witless. Despite being a Taotie, his breath became heavy, and his heart had almost stopped beating.

Yan Huangtu had been looking at the black-veiled cultivator with curiosity.