The Beginning of a Nightmare

Cang Baizi of the Corpusians' Hall of Permanence.


Lord Huan Xu of the Demonsky Clan.


Thandee of the Rakshasas' Paarth Family.


Lord Ironclad of the Nether Clan's Nine-order Temple.


Any one of the four was an existence that all the Supreme Saints of the Celestial Court feared. In the Infernal Court, they were even more infamous. At this moment, they were kowtowing to a woman at the same time.


'Lady Bai?' Zhang Ruochen wondered.


Zhang Ruochen's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't believe a woman from the Enchanteur Palace possessed such incredible power. The four powerhouses were all from great forces and were divine in nature. They should not be tamed.


Wouldn't it be even more shocking if they voluntarily submitted to her?


Even the master of the House of Enchanteurs didn't have such power.


Who was she?