Adjudication Division and Destiny Division

Zhuo Yunong charged out from the rolling black clouds and shot toward the ground like a shuttle of light.




A loud sound rang out.


Apart from the Sevenstar Imperial Palace, all the buildings in the Vastsea Manor had collapsed. The array inscriptions were destroyed, and dust flew everywhere, blocking the sight of the cultivators present.


They had descended to intimidate.


A moment later, the dust dispersed, and Zhuo Yunong appeared below the Sevenstar Imperial Palace.


The Vastsea Manor, which had once been as beautiful as a sacred land, was now a scorched wasteland.


Zhuo Yunong was a cultivator of the Nether Clan. His upper body was a human, and his lower body was a centipede. His long hair fell over his shoulders, and his face was handsome. Some creatures looked like a python wrapped around his arms, one green, and one red.