A Streak of Sword Qi

In the Dominion of the Bloodysky Clan.


On a blood lake not far from the Xue Jue Family's home, the power fluctuation was chaotic. Thunder and lightning shuttled between the sky and the water like pythons. The flames turned into divine dragons that burned the heaven and earth like bronze furnaces, and the strong gales were as sharp as knives, the cuts made the surface of the lake emit a series of deep explosive sounds.


Zhang Ruochen looked relaxed. He stood by the lake and stared at the Ancient Abyssal Sword hovering above the lake.


He was transcending the third King's Calamity.


The four calamities of wind, fire, water and thunder lasted for a whole day. When the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the 800-mile blood lake had dried up, leaving only black scorched earth at the bottom of the lake.