Brother Ruochen

Did he encounter Thundercloud Axe with his bare hands?


Fei Zhong was both surprised and happy.


He was surprised because he had never expected one who dared to do so.


Yet he was happy that this Rakshasa Supreme Saint was rash. One had to know that even a Paramount Realm Supreme Saint with Paramount physique would not dare to receive his ax bare-handedly.



Zhang Ruochen's fist collided with the huge ax, producing a deafening sound like the collision of iron mountains. Thunder and lightning swept out in all directions.


Zhang Ruochen was not shattered by the ax as Fei Zhong had imagined. Instead, he sent Thundercloud Axe flying.


"How is this possible?"


Fei Zhong's jaw was almost dropped. He could see clearly that the Rakshasa Supreme Saint had only used the power of his physical body. He did not use any Precepts or Evil Qi to break his ax.