The Troublesome Woman

Shan Qiu said in a deep voice, "Don't come over! I've already sent a message to Master Yuan Qianmo. He'll be here immediately."


Gong Nanfeng was furious. "You're suspecting me? Fine, fine, fine. With your cultivation, you can't see through the truth. I don't blame you. When Yuan Qianmo comes, I'll tell him."


Zhang Ruochen watched coldly. With Gong Nanfeng as a perfect witness, the cultivators of the Infernal Court couldn't suspect him.


The Enchanteur Chamber was going to suffer!


Just as he thought of this, his expression suddenly changed.


To cover up the truth, Bai Qing'er had to hand over the Tensho Compass and join hands with him to kill the god. With her shrewdness, how could she allow Gong Nanfeng to expose her identity?


'I hope I'm overthinking. Perhaps Bai Qing'er's too heavily injured after using the martyr move. Even if I want to get rid of Gong Nanfeng, I can't,' Zhang Ruochen thought.