A Storm Was Brewing

Eighteen Six-Tribulation Ghost Lords carried the Sevenstar Imperial Palace. They swaggered down the magnificent streets of the Royal City of Hundred Clans. Ghost Qi filled the sky, and their momentum soared to the sky. Wherever they passed, countless cultivators surrounded and watched.


"Zhang Ruochen has entered the city!"


Zhang Ruochen entered the city in a high-profile manner.


Communication talismans spread out like a meteor shower.


After the Battle of Celestial-Hunting, Zhang Ruochen was already a famous figure worldwide. Born in the Infernal Court, one could not know who the twelve Reverends of the Fane of Destiny were. However, no one did not know who Zhang Ruochen was.


This was not bragging!


In terms of fame, in terms of recognition among the ordinary cultivators, who could be compared to Zhang Ruochen, who had to perform a massacre on the Battlefield of Celestial-Hunting?