Outside Ghostwood Manor

There was a beautiful road in the sacred land of Terra Demon. It was said that it was carved out by a god. Along the stone steps up the mountain, the cliffs were covered with purple-red flowers, and human-shaped butterflies were dancing on them.


Pan Ruo and Zhang Ruochen walked side by side. The mountains were silent.


Pan Ruo said, "During the seven days you were recovering, Fane of Destiny and Yanluo Clan led the city's hundred clans to purge the Celestial Court cultivators. Countless people died. The corpses were nailed to the city wall. Some Supreme Saints are still alive and struggling on the wall."


Zhang Ruochen said, "Fane of Origin going out of secularity is a shocking event. Fane of Destiny and Yanluo Clan naturally don't want Celestial Court to get involved."


"Where's Fairy of a Hundred Flowers?" Pan Ruo asked.