A Chaotic Battle

"Good. That's a good idea," said Wuma Jiuxing.


The cultivators of the Fane of Death stared at Zhang Ruochen and the others and sneered.


Xue Tu and Master Ye You were pale. Even Guye Jing, who had been smiling, became serious at this moment.


Wuma Jiuxing and Yuan Qianmo were absolutely invincible when they joined hands. No one under divinity could stop them.


Zhang Ruochen remained calm and said, "Yuan Qianmo, aren't you curious why Wuma Jiuxing ambushed you here and didn't go to the top of the altar?"


Yuan Qianmo's eyebrows moved slightly as he thought deeply.


Wuma Jiuxing stood on the top of Creo Dragon's head. He raised his arm above his head and used his hand as a knife to cut across the air.




A crescent-shaped blade light that was hundreds of feet long flew toward the Sevenstar Imperial Palace.