Divine Step

"What is the fastest speed in the universe?" the Lord of Nephilim Island asked.

Zhang Ruochen said, "The speed of light, of course."

The Lord of Nephilim Island pondered for a moment and did not comment. He said, "In this case, the speed of your 10,000 times Meritorious Armor of Flowing Light is almost 1% of the speed of light. It is already the top speed below the divinity. How can it be considered slow?"

Zhang Ruochen was confused. "Isn't the speed of light the fastest speed?"

"The speed of light is the fastest at your current level. It's not the fastest speed to escape, but space is!"

Zhang Ruochen fell into deep thought.

The Lord of Nephilim Island said, "You're a Master of Space, but you asked me to teach you a secret life-saving technique. It's really not right!"