The Greatest Warriors of Each Era Paved the Way

The speed of the navigation in the Sumeru Temple increased as if it was riding the wind and breaking the waves.


Zhang Ruochen put away all kinds of thoughts and took off the Portrait of Sixth Buddha's Zen wrapped around his body. He looked at it carefully.


In the portrait, a kind-looking monk was sitting under a Bodhi tree. He had a smile on his face, and his lips were slightly open as if he was talking about some kind of Buddhist doctrine in the mortal world.


His Buddhist robe was exposed, and his feet were bare. He was not so solemn, but rather, he looked like a Maitreya.


Every line on the picture followed the spatial ley line and contained countless Dimensional Inscriptions.


Previously, the Saint blood that flowed from Zhang Ruochen's eyes and ears had polluted the Buddhist picture. But now, the blood had disappeared and merged with the portrait.