Goddess Nvywa the Sage

Something with facial features, hands, and feet soon appeared in Goddess Nvywa's hands. It rapidly grew to about three meters tall when placed on the ground. Upon seeing that, Goddess Nvywa's creation was accelerated. So was the integration of the Hong Meng Immortal Qi into her Original Spirit.

As Goddess Nvywa felt tired after creating several hundreds of humans, she wove a rattan stained with the magical earth. When the magical earth fell onto the ground, they converted into human form. After a little while, the number of humans amounted to 129,600.

Goddess Nvywa looked at the new species and told them, "You're created based on the features of the primordial body of Tao, showing your extraordinary nature. 'Human' will be your name." As soon as the word 'human' came out, the Hong Meng Immortal Qi finished its integration with Goddess Nvywa's Original Spirit. Something happened between the Heaven and Earth.