Relocation (part 2)

Since it was concerning the Spiritual Inheritance of the Human Tribe, Suiren-Shi asked, "You mentioned the establishment of the Sacred Land of Spiritual Inheritance. Was it meant to tackle the hidden threat? " Though he was an Ancestor of the Human Tribe, Suiren-Shi was not keen to power and influence, but was concerned about the Spiritual Inheritance of his Human Tribe. The Human Tribe would not be a Tribe as strong as the Sorcerer and Demon tribes if The Way of Celestial Immortality was prevalent in this tribe.

Musen nodded and said, "Sure, ever since the Origin of the Human Tribe several hundreds of years ago, we have not engaged in any wars. Hence, our migration will not be troubled by the Wu Tribe. The Demon Tribe, however, will inevitably get in our way, which also serves as an opportunity to steel ourselves and show our strength.