Heaven and Earth Taoist Builds the Nether World

Though he was living under Houtu's Sage coercion, Heaven and Earth Taoist appeared completely unaffected. Houtu becoming a Sage was well within his expectations, so he was well prepared for it. And Houtu's coercion was not weak in any way, so it was all thanks to the great Merit that he could withstand it.

The Seven Sages of Untainted Land were now complete. Laozi, as the head of The Three Pristine Ones, had the strongest cultivation being in Secondary Stage of the Sage. Though Primeval Lord of Heaven and Tongtian shared similar cultivation as Laozi, they were a little weaker. Jieyin was also in the same situation. The weakest of them were obviously Goddess Nvywa and Zhunti, who were in the Early Stage of the Sage.