The Fall of Mount Buzhou

Twelve Ancestors of Sorcery were focusing on practicing their Twelve Divine Beings Killing Formation in the Hall of Pangu. After hundreds of years of cooperation, Chi You had fully mastered the essence of the Formation and developed great teamwork with the others. Everything was developing very well.

Just then, Xing Tian asked for a permission to meet them. "Ancestors of Sorcerer, I have something to report." Xingtian was one of the earliest Great Sorcerers with extraordinary strength. Like Houyi, his weapon was with him since birth and it had always accompanied him. He went around accompanied by his weapons, Shield and Broadax. Dubbed the God of War in the Wu Tribe, Xingtian was stationed permanently outside Hall of Pangu.

Emperor Jiang allowed him in and asked, "Xing Tian, what's wrong?" Emperor Jiang knew Xing Tian would not disturb their practice for no good reason, for he had ordered for everyone to leave them alone unless it was an emergency.