Kong Xuan's Taking Lieshan as Disciple

Seeing that Kunpeng had finally realized what was going on, the Heaven and Earth Taoist smiled. If he had wanted to kill Kunpeng, he didn't even have to spare much effort with Kunpeng trapped by the Law of Heaven and Earth and the Law of Space. Besides self-explosion, there was little Kunpeng could do.

Taking note of Kunpeng's strong desire for survival, the Heaven and Earth Taoist said, "That's precisely Minghe's intention. But if you want us to trust you, hand over a streak of your Natal Original Spirit. If you perform your task this time well, we may consider returning your freedom."

Kunpeng hesitated for a while before making his choice. He chose to his life instead of his freedom. He split one streak of his Natal Original Spirit and presented it to the Heaven and Earth Taoist. That was equivalent to giving up the control of his life.