Houtu's Killing Intention

However, once the Merit fell, it was divided into three, where 60% went to Cangjie and 20% fell on the 3,000 characters. Meanwhile, the remaining 20% was to be shared among the Human Tribe, as a reward given by the Way of Heaven for them. Following the arrival of the Merits, the Human Tribe's Luck started to have a tremendous increase. In a short while, the Human Tribe's Luck almost grew by half of its original size. Many tribes were almost insane from feeling jealous over this matter.

After experiencing this, the Human Tribe's wills were once again awoken. The most important thing was that when their wills gathered on 'Martial' and 'Immortal' characters, they also obtained some of the Martial Arts' and the Way of Celestial Immortality's cultivation methods. A craze of practicing Martial Arts to become immortal would definitely happen among the Human Tribe in the near future.