Black Tortoise Fighting With Xuandu

In front of Golden Chicken Mountain, Black Tortoise touched his chest and grinned widely. "Xuandu, your swordsmanship is really good. But, your understanding of Law of Yin and Yang is not thorough. Although the Aura of Sword of Yin and Yang is quick and forceful, I can handle it with no difficulty. You'd better show your specialty and not do stupid things to tempt me. Feel free to play any tricks and use your magical weapons!"

Confronted with Black Tortoise's challenge, Xuandu remained calm. As he brandished his sword, a black-and-white spiritual dragon headed for Black Tortoise. Black Tortoise immediately threw a punch. Instead of any supernatural power, he shook the dragon with his body. His fist looked slow but was as heavy as Mount Tai. As a result, the dragon was punched with much force.