The Unexpected Concession of Liu Er

In Wahuang Heaven, Goddess Nvywa looked down at Untainted Land with surprise. Originally, she had intended to let Ling Zhuzi descend to the world to pass tribulation and then come back to Royal Nu Wa Temple. It was unexpected that Nezha, the incarnation of Ling Zhuzi, was accidentally accepted by Liu Er. Moreover, though he was just ten-odd years old, he had recovered to the realm of Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal. Even though there was still some time to reach the cultivation as preexistence, it would not be too long.

Actually, it was also a good thing for Nezha to be accepted by Liu Er where he would be safe and sound even if he brought great troubles, since Blood Sea was unreasonably tough and powerful all the time. To her surprise, Liu Er, Nezha's teacher, should have reached the realm of A Half Step to Origin after millions of years. By the time of his actualization, he could rival her.