Liu Er's Passing Tribulation

Minghe really laughed out loud. "Haha... I've been waiting for this moment for so long. Save Untainted Land? It's not necessary to do that. The Way of Heaven will tackle it, which seems to have confronted some trouble now but will take action later. Before that, I'm going to get through my own matter. Liu Er, your opportunity has arrived. You can start now."

Trouble? What kind of trouble could bother the Way of Heaven? Given that Untainted Land was breaking and the Way of Heaven was in disorder, all the Sages could use only limited power from the Way of Heaven. Furthermore, as most of the Sages were injured, they could not stabilize Untainted Land. Nevertheless, being the Rakshasa, Minghe was able to recognize the secrets of Heaven no matter how severe the disorder that the Way of Heaven was in. He naturally knew something that the Sages did not know.