Hunter or Prey?

At the sight of this, Minghe went into a reverie. In the end, he shook his head and flew over to the throne. Looking at the chipped and dimmed Haotian Mirror, he reflected somewhat. Finally, he sighed for Haotian, or whatever that might be.

He picked up the Haotian Mirror to closely scrutinize it. Chipped as it was, it was still acceptable. Besides, it had been a Highest Grade Primordial Supreme Treasure. After some repairing, it would be brand new and as powerful as if it were used for the first time. It was more capable than the Haotian Mirror in the Ninth Period, a priceless treasure.

Moreover, the Eighth Period Haotian left his Spiritual Inheritance in it. Although it was not that necessary, stones from other hills might serve to polish jade, so he could use it as a supplement. Besides, the Spiritual Inheritance in the Haotian Mirror really intrigued him. He then started converting it.