Minghe Reappears

The Karma was formed and Minghe could do nothing about it. He could not have guessed the intention of a Supreme Realm expert. He could not decide whether it was a blessing or a curse. Apart from that Karma, Hongjun had another deadly one. Hongjun bore the reason, and Minghe had the result.

Hongjun snatched a branch from the Star Tree of the Origin and trapped Minghe. If Minghe died, there would be no more Karma. For the last 1,000 years, Hongjun had been calculating. He could foresee all Creatures dead, except for Minghe. Minghe's fate was vague, which made him unpredictable.

It was a headache for Hongjun that Minghe did not die. He knew clearly who Minghe was. In Untainted Land, whoever went against Minghe had suffered. Now, he had become Minghe's archenemy. Even if he had wanted to, Minghe would not reconcile. A peaceful settlement was impossible.