The Terrifying Parasite Species

It was 9.20 p.m. Lin Huang arrived at the Xia Temple in the Xia Palace ruins earlier than he expected.

Looking at the monitoring system which did not have a blind spot on either side and the huge crowd, he could not attack. He looked around, waited patiently for a chance.

When it was almost 9.50 p.m., a sound was heard from the speakers at each of the exhibition halls at the same time.

"Attention visitors... The Xia Palace ruins operates from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. We'll be closing in just a moment. You may now leave the exhibition hall in an orderly fashion. Please don't stay after the exhibition hall closes. We'll have our cleaning staff to clean up the hall later… We hope you visit us again soon! Thank you for your cooperation, and we hope you have a good evening," the announcer said.