Level-2 Sword Power Realm

After exiting the Hunter Arena, Lin Huang saw that the top news on the game’s page was about him - Player Sword Genius has broken the ice that lasted a hundred years and achieved 80 consecutive wins!

Posted just a couple of minutes before; there were more than a million views on the news with more than 50,000 comments. Lin Huang turned off the page after taking a look.

It was past 10 in the morning, he dropped by the wet market and bought some food to take home and it was past 11 when he got back. After cooking grilled meat for Lin Xuan on the third floor, he got down to the kitchen to make lunch for himself and Lin Xin. Although ordering takeaway food would save a lot of time, nothing could beat a good home cooked meal. Since he was not busy, he chose to prepare lunch himself.