Gun Fighting Technique

In training ground No.02879 of Gun Master, Lin Huang prepared himself with a SilverPhoenix16. In the game, most of the guns were complimentary; only rare and modified guns required credit points to purchase. Lin Huang was only there for training so purchasing a gun would be unnecessary. A modified SilverPhoenix16 and an ordinary SilverPhoenix16 had an insignificant difference. Lin Xuan was using a SilverPhoenix16 too; since he was silver-level rank-3 like Lin Huang, using a SilverPhoenix16 would be appropriate.

Lin Xin who was watching from the side was envious of the both of them. Since she was not even at iron-level so she could not even use an iron-level gun, let alone the silver-level SilverPhoenix16. She could only watch.

"Which ones do you want to learn first?" Lin Xuan asked Lin Huang when he saw that he was ready.