A Bountiful Plundering

"Plunder Card

"Function: When the card has been activated, you'll be able to steal three items from the target randomly.

"Remark 1: The target can be on any creature.

"Remark 2: The target has to be within your field of vision.

"Remark 3: Items that don't belong to the target can't be stolen.

"Remark 4: The card can be used on the same target three times. Each interval has to be more than 24 hours apart.

"Remark 5: The card can't be used on god items and selected items with self-consciousness.

"Remark 6: You can't target creatures with a complete Godhead.

Lin Huang did not think twice as he activated the Plunder Card and targeted the black-robed leader just as he saw the person was planning to leave.

"The card has been activated. Target has been locked. Plundering in progress…"