Snow Giant VS Frostyape Corpse

The moment Zhu Xing and the snow giant stepped out of the Dimensional Whirlpool, a Frostyape Corpse could be seen from afar, emerging from underground.

The Frostyape Corpse pounced on the both of them without a moment of hesitation as soon as it saw Zhu Xing and the snow giant.

It did not see Lin Huang and thought that the both of them were the culprits who woke it up from its sleep. Fuelled by anger, it completely ignored the fact that the snow giant was actually a demigod.

Zhu Xing and the snow giant were stunned when they saw that the Frostyape Corpse was pouncing on them. They were actually chasing Lin Huang and did not expect to encounter an imperial-level monster.

The Frostyape Corpse was tremendous as it measured a height of at least 700 meters. It was about 20 times larger than the snow giant whereas Zhu Xing looked precisely like an ant compared to the Frostyape Corpse.