The Last Auction Item

"Is the last auction item a god's relic?"

"The demigod-level sword and saber have been sold. Will the last auction item be a god's item?"

The crowd was anticipating for it in suspense until the last auction item was then brought to the auction stage.

"The last item for sale today, which is also the last item to be sold off at the auction, is here." Yu Bo was not in a hurry to unveil the red cloth. "Do you want to know what it is?"

"Stop dragging. Just show it!"

"Please be quick. I'm going home to breastfeed my baby!" A man with chest hair shouted, exposing his pecs to Yu Bo.

"Hurry up. I have the urge to pee. I can't stand it anymore! I'm going to the toilet after this!"

The auction hall was now bustling with chatter. Many of them even neglected the point that the friendly young man was actually an immortal-level rank-9. He was only one step closer to imperial-level.

"I feel like hitting someone…"